GOV.PH MAGAZINE Using Popularity of Politicians in The Philippine | Page 28

Functionalist P E R S P E C T I V E    When there is an upcoming election, campaigns are always present. These candidates normally turn into angel-like beings, they can’t do a single wrongdoing when they are running for a position. When there is an election this is also when candidates make a lot of projects and programs; feeding programs, free check-ups, Housing projects and many more. They are getting attention from the citizens as much as possible that they could get.    At the very start of every politician's career, they already need the citizens. This is why they make projects for those people who are in dire need in exchange for their trust in them and votes.  A politician cannot win or retain his or her position without the citizens' help. Politicians also need the citizens, for them (the citizens) to back up their (the politicians) plans and projects. In a life of a politician, the citizens of the country is a very high factor towards their success, the lower his connections with the citizens are, and the lower the beliefs of the citizens to him or her, the lesser is his or her success in the government.