SECTION 1 . A local organization is eligible for admission to BPW / TN if :
( a ) It has a minimum of five ( 5 ) members and / or student members twenty percent ( 20 %) of whom must be employed unless the new local organization is comprised solely of students ;
( b ) It is not an integral part of any other organization ; and ( c ) It submits local organization bylaws not in conflict with state bylaws and policies .
SECTION 2 . To remain in good standing , a local organization must maintain a membership of at least five ( 5 ) members and / or student members .
SECTION 3 . A local organization whose membership falls below five ( 5 ) members and ’ or student members shall be dropped at the end of the second fiscal year .
SECTION 4 . A local organization applying for membership in BPW / TN shall forward to the person designated by the state president all documents and dues required by BPW / TN .
SECTION 5 . The bylaws shall be approved by a person designated by the state president whose responsibility it is to insure that there are no provisions in conflict with the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws . Any conflict shall be resolved in accordance with the BPW / TN policy and procedures .
SECTION 6 . When a local organization has met all state requirements , a charter signed by the state president will be presented to the local organization .
SECTION 7 . Proposed amendments to the bylaws of any local organization , with the exception of mandatory changes ( See Article XXI , Section 8 ), shall be sent to the person designated by the state president for review and approval . Any conflict shall be resolved in accordance with BPW / TN policy and procedures .
If BPW / TN chooses to dissolve or no longer exist , a local organization within the State may choose to affiliate with the BPW Foundation for access to programs and use of trademarks or intellectual property .
SECTION 1 . Dues are payable upon acceptance to membership and renewable annually on the first day of the following month .
SECTION 2 . Dues for members shall be :
( a ) Member Affiliated with a Local Organization . Each member affiliated with a local organization shall pay state dues of $ 50 and local dues as specified in the current local bylaws . State dues shall include a subscription to the official state publication .
( b ) Student Member Affiliated with a Local Organization Each student member affiliated with a local organization shall pay state dues of $ 15 and local dues as speficed in the current local bylaws . State dues shall include a subscription to the official state publication .
( c ) Senior Member Affiliated with a Local Organization Each senior member affiliated with a local organization age 65 and older may elect to pay pay state dues of $ 40 and local dues as specified in the current local bylaws . State dues shall include a subscription to the official state publication .
( d ) Member at Large Each member ( not affiliated with a local organization ) shall pay state dues of $ 50 . Included in the state dues allocation is a subscription to the official state publication .
( e ) Senior Members at Large Each senior member ( not affiliated with a local organization ) age 65 and older may elect to pay state dues of $ 40 rather than $ 75 in state dues . Included in the state dues allocation is a subscription to the official state publication .
2 June 2013