GORV - Digital Magazine Issue #59 | Page 48

From here you can either make your way to the walker ’ s camp , which leaves much to be desired in regard to general upkeep but makes a good spot to rest for the night , or you can head back to Point Ann , where you may be lucky enough to be kept company by a pod of dolphins as you walk along the beach .
As you can see , Fitzgerald River National Park has something for any nature lover : scenic bushwalks , 4WD excitement , and beachside relaxation . And with a bit of extra care from everyone , hopefully we can keep this special park pristine and beautiful for future generations to enjoy .
Four Mile Beach , with a great protected lagoon for snorkelling just on the other side .
DIEBACK DISEASE What is dieback ?
Dieback , or Phytophthora cinnamomi , is an invasive species of water mould that can quickly spread through local flora in an area by causing root rot .
This disease is very effective in killing plants , which impacts the local wildlife that depend on these plants for survival , thus decimating a region ’ s biodiversity . There is no cure for dieback , and it is very difficult to eradicate once introduced to an environment as it can lie dormant in soil for long periods of time . Therefore , the most effective management strategy is preventing its spread .
How can you prevent the spread of dieback ?
• Wash your walking shoes before every walk ;
• Clean the underside of your vehicle regularly ;
• Stay to marked tracks ; and
• Obey road / trail closed signs .
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