GORV - Digital Magazine Issue #45 | Page 45

A similar test can also be performed when your vehicle is connected to your RV . Battery levels on your RV ’ s display should increase with a few revs from the vehicle , confirming your vehicle is charging the batteries .
We ’ ve always been in the habit of turning on the fridge several days before travelling and like to cast our eyes over all the door seals at the same time to check for leaks .
It ’ s advisable to periodically clean your RV ’ s water tanks .
We also keep a thermometer inside the fridge to measure the operating temperature . Threeway fridges should be tested on all power sources ( gas , 12V and 240V ), with thermometer readings recorded .
Consider having the fridge serviced if you experience any large variances in temperatures while using the different power sources during testing .
All doors and windows should receive a bit of maintenance before a trip .
Cleaning all air-conditioner filters and vents before a trip is a good way to help keep it working at its peak . If you aim to use a generator to power your air-conditioner while free-camping , test it with your air-conditioner before leaving home .
Investing in a couple of 12V fans to help circulate air inside your RV means you can run the air-conditioner at lower settings .
Check the breakaway switch and handbrake as part of your RV ’ s maintenance .
Dust can be a real problem when travelling , so check window / door screens for any holes and clean the seals . Also check that the windows seal completely when closed . Maintenance on hatches and skylights can often be overlooked , so don ’ t exclude these . They ’ re prone to changing shape and become brittle