GORV - Digital Magazine Issue #28 | Page 61

NEVER LICK A LOOFAH! In the great Rambling On tradition, the latest episode meanders from great advice, such as to never lick a loofah, to hilarious and sometimes useful hints and tips on how to get the most out of the RV lifestyle. the range of electric tow vehicles, and offer up five favourite campsites and caravan parks, from the Top End to the mid north coast of New South Wales. If you like to learn and laugh, don’t miss this ep! In this episode, the crew takes on the thorny topic of caravan insurance, and nominate their most ‘over-hyped’ Australian RV destinations. The Gold Coast, anyone? That’s Timbo’s nomination, at any rate. Be sure to listen to the entire episode to find out the other over-hyped destinations on our list! MEET THE GANG Meanwhile, the team talks caravan technology, increasing EPISODE 20 The Rambling On brains trust is made up of GoRV’s editor, Max Taylor, well-known comedian Tim Smith, and Aussie actress Paula Gardner. They’re kept in line by Simon Diaz of Smooth FM. It’s a lighthearted look at the Australian RV lifestyle and a fantastic way to while away an hour behind the wheel. ALL EPISODES / 61