GOPIP 2021-2022 | Page 11

At Monroe County Hospital & Clinics , we strive to be recognized for our unparalleled customer service , commitment to safety , and the relentless pursuit of value we give to each of our patients .

Healthcaremade personal .

Jennifer Archer , ARNP Medical Clinic
Bryon Bellinger , ARNP Emergency Services
Tanner Crossley , DO Medical Clinic
Alex Curiel , MD Medical Clinic
Andrew Frost , DO Emergency Services
Darci Fuller , ARNP Emergency Services
Gerald Haas , DO Medical Clinic
Joshua Harris , DO Medical Clinic
Lynnette Major , ARNP Medical Clinic
Kendra Martin , DO Medical Clinic
Jeff Sisul , ARNP Emergency Services
Neal Sokol , DO Surgery
Nicole Topliff , ARNP Emergency Services
Lori Vitko , DNP , FNP-BC Medical Clinic
Darcy Sheldon , ARNP Medical Clinic
6580 165th Street • Albia , IA mchalbia . com
“ This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer .”
GOPIP Investor Directory 2021-22 11