Good News Press Summer 2019 Good News Press Summer 2019 | Page 5

Good News Press - Page 5 Visit Our Site at :; Register Your Christian Business , Service, or Ministry & Support the Gospel Message XL Summit: Better Together: How Workplace Ministry Contributes to the Flourishing of a City Continued from Front Page work life ministry in and through the local Representing the United States, Proudfit was one church, AWOP executive team member Bobbie of 850 global leaders from 110 countries at the by Sparks interviewed leaders and changemakers to see how they find success in working with local -invitation gathering. congregations and ministry networks. Another key part of the discussion at the summit focused on unlocking the power of purposeful employment. “We’re facing an epidemic in our country: Three out of four working Americans are disengaged at work—they don’t enjoy being there, and they don’t feel fulfilled in their work,” explained John McCarthy, president of AGI Hospitality Recruit- ing and AWOP executive team member. “How do we expect to see salt and light in the market- place if most Christians don’t even enjoy being at work?” The panel discussion, led by McCarthy, featured Kathy Book, Founder of Women in the Market- place, Inc.; Brian Holbrook of Job Search Focus Group (JSFG); and Brett Ralston, co-founder of Roots Staffing. The session highlighted how local groups and leaders are working to help people identify and follow purpose-driven pathways. “We need to curb this trend, and the only way to do so is to help people rediscover their purpose and to identify purposeful employment,” said McCarthy. “If we could bring 1 million disen- gaged workers in our region to a place of pur- pose—and into a place of purposeful employ- ment—imagine the impact that could have for the Kingdom in the marketplace,” he added. Helen Mitchell, director of the Talbot Center for Faith, Work, and Economics at Biola University, described her work to help churches take the next step in the work life ministry movement: “This is an organizational change,” she explained. “You’re defining strategy and integrating this in- to the church culture. It is more than programs. You are redirecting the ship. More churches are In a session facilitated by AWOP executive team engaging in this conversation with great enthusi- member Laura Jackson, attendees heard practical asm, but generally, efforts are not sustainable or strategies and ways to disciple within the work- impactful.” place. Panelists included Julie Thomas of Priority Logistics Group and Priority Dispatch; Dr. Gary In looking at how Cincinnati can continue to Huber of Huber Personalized Medicine; and Ron learn from other citywide transformation models, Henry of Marketplace Chaplains. Proudfit turned to panelists to hear their lessons learned. Henry explored the role of Marketplace Chap- lains, explaining that chaplain care partners are Tom White of Frontline Ministries and author of professionally trained professionals who have a The Practitioner’s Guide to Building City Gospel heart for the influencing an employees’ and their Movements reminded attendees of the im- family members overall spiritual and emotional portance—especially in the midst “of all the well-being. noise”—in fostering a rhythm and culture of prayer in a city movement. “If we're going to ask As a business owner, Thomas explained that dis- for an expected spiritual and societal transfor- cipleship at work for her is about seeing employ- mation, either in the workplace or in the city of ees as a whole person, respecting them uncondi- Cincinnati and beyond…it’s going to be by the tionally, and learning how to deeply listen to presence and the power of God,” he said. them. “For 25 years I’ve been unpacking love in a very practical way,” she explained. Henry agreed, and spoke about another theme of the summit: the necessity for individuals and During a panel discussion on how to cultivate groups to come together to steward a sustainable difference in the community. “We proceed at the speed of trust,” he said. Proudfit agreed, citing how coordination and col- laboration are a part of the “next steps” for the faith at work movement. “Together, we need to be a collective force for the Lord in the work- place. The question is: ‘How can we complete each other?’—versus, ‘How can we compete with each other?’” said Proudfit. “We recognize that we are better together.” Other spotlight panelists and speakers included: Tom Thatcher, professor of Biblical Studies and dean of the Russell School of Ministry at Cincin- nati Christian University; Eric Swanson of the Leadership Network and co-author of To Trans- form a City; Drew Dinkelacker, president of The Marketing Accelerator; and Darrel Geis, presi- dent of the Christian Blue Network. While the event explored where the workplace ministry movement is headed, the XL Summit also included time to honor and celebrate those heavily invested in the growth of the ministry community to date. One of those integral members: Jerry Kirk, who has had profound influence in the movement, na- tionally and internally, for more than 50 years. Kirk is former senior pastor of College Hill Pres- byterian Church, founder of the National Coali- tion for the Protection of Children and Families, and founder of The Prayer Covenant. In celebration of Kirk’s impact, Revivaltown Mu- sic Group performed music inspired by the prayer covenant at the close of the summit. About At Work On Purpose (AWOP) At Work On Purpose is a pioneer in the work- place ministry movement, advancing citywide workplace ministry around the world. With offic- es in Mason and Blue Ash, Ohio, more than 10,000 individuals from the private, public, and social sectors are a part of the AWOP community in Greater Cincinnati alone, with thousands of others in the AWOP network globally. To learn more about AWOP’s innovative citywide workplace ministry model or to find out how you can get involved, visit or call (800) 513-9580.