Good News Press Summer 2019 Good News Press Summer 2019 | Page 2

Good News Press - Page 2 Get the Latest News at Dr. Gene Lingerfelt Reveals Benefits of Walking in the Blessing of God Faith Christian Center's Dr. Gene Lin- gerfelt offers insight into the Bible, God's blessing, and His wonderful plan for every man and woman. ARLINGTON , TEXAS, USA, -- “God has a wonderful plan for everyone’s life, no matter their background or what they might be facing,” according to Dr. Gene Lingerfelt, founding and senior pastor of Faith Christian Center in Arlington, Texas. “God wants every man and woman to be saved. If you will give your life to Him, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and submit your of God.” life to the Word of God, you can expe- rience God’s best and walk in the bless- “In the Bible, it's possible to learn how ings of God.” to walk in the blessing of God,” Dr. Lin- gerfelt explains. At Faith Christian Cen- “Many people have been wrongly ter, he and son Austin help individuals taught about God. They’ve wrongly to discover God's plan. heard God is out to get them or God is doing awful, evil things, like giving peo- “We teach them how to apply the Bible ple cancer,” explains Dr. Lingerfelt. to their everyday lives, so they can Join our Directory: “God has been misrepresented for a walk in the blessing of God,” adds Faith long time and that’s why in America so Christian Center co-founder Dr. Linger- Share Your Business or Ministry many people have turned away from felt. “We want to see everyone be a God.” “They have been wrongly taught success in life!” God wants them to be a failure or that Sharing Your Faith On Vacation Faith Christian Center is a non- God is opposed to their success.” Dr. continued from Front Page denominational, Full Gospel church in Gene Lingerfelt explains, “Nothing Arlington, Texas, located on 73 beauti- could be further from the truth!” ful acres. Dr. Gene Lingerfelt and his Talk to the people who are serving vide. And you might be the person to According to Dr. Lingerfelt, “God is a son Austin share what they call a posi- you at hotels and restaurants. A Gos- share that Good News with them. pel conversation can take place any- good God and He has a good plan for tive, motivational message in every where at anytime. each and every person.” “That plan service on Sunday mornings and _____ will not automatically happen in your Wednesday evenings. 4. Be prepared. life, however,” explains Dr. Lingerfelt. According to the pastor, the Bible co- Rev. John B. Sorensen, D.D. is the “There is a success pattern for life in vers every subject--life, family and Learn how to explain the Gospel in a President/CEO of Evangelism Ex- the Bible, God’s Word, but every man marriage, parenting, child-raising, fi- simple manner before you leave. plosion International, headquartered or woman must make the choice to nances, and more. “Every answer for There are many Gospel presentations in Arden, N.C. EE has been a leader embrace that pattern for success.” that are easy to learn. At EE, we life,” he claims, “is in the Bible.” in equipping Christians to share their teach one that uses the five fingers “Action is often the missing ingredient faith for more than 50 years. For “God has truly given us,” Dr. Lingerfelt of your hand – something you will for success,” explains Dr. Lingerfelt. more free tips and resources, visit adds, wrapping up, “a success formula, always have with you, even on vaca- “Some people take no action and too Follow in His Word – the Bible.” tion. But regardless of which one many are taking the wrong actions. John on Twitter, @jbsorensen. you learn, use it. Share it with oth- The key to success is to DO what the Dr. Gene Lingerfelt and his wife Sue ers. But don’t be caught unprepared. founded Faith Christian Center more Bible says to DO and to live your life than 35 years ago. After 40 plus years according to the success pattern we Enjoy your get-away, but take the of marriage and 35 plus years of faith- see in the Bible.” Gospel with you on this year’s sum- fully pastoring Faith Christian Center, mer vacation. Someone you meet According to Dr. Gene Lingerfelt, “God Dr. Gene and Sue Lingerfelt have might be searching for the eternal earned a reputation for practical and wants every individual to fulfill their peace that only Jesus Christ can pro- relevant teaching from the Bible. Dr. full potential in life. Because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, we can be Gene Lingerfelt is also known as a pas- tor to men and he is well-known for his Visit and read Good News Press, give, and reg- forgiven of our sins, we can become a teachings and books on finances and part of the family of God, and we can ister your business and ministry. Call our ads! Send your news or success. For more information, visit events to: [email protected]. live this life as the sons and daughters our neighbors about the Good News of Jesus Christ and reap Good News Press is a Christian outreach eternal rewards. publication in the San Francisco Bay Area. Good News Press This popular high-quality, newspaper, in- believes that this forms and inspires believers, as well as commission begins plant seeds into the hearts of men and in our own back- women. yards. There are Good News Press covers world, national, more than 7 Mil- and local religious news and events, and lion people in the Bay Area. We want to features inspiring Christian articles and in- share the good news, and bring to them the sights. 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