Good News Press Summer 2017 Good News Press Summer 2017 | Page 6

Good News Press - 6 Angels continued from Page 3 Angels are not halo-wearing, wing-clad, harp-players. spirits and there are evil spirits. These evil spirits (commonly known as demons or devils) are actually angels that re- Again, these images come mostly out of belled against God. Paul wrote in 2nd artwork, some dating all the way back Corinthians about how these “fallen” to Greek and Roman times. But the angels could disguise themselves as serv- Bible makes no reference to angels ants of righteousness. Their aim is to wearing halos or playing harps. As for deceive. Not every spiritual being is wings, the Old Testament prophets Eze- friendly. kiel and Isaiah both refer to special clas- ses of angels (cherubim and seraphim) that are portrayed as having wings. But Angels are servants of God. even these seem to be simply part of a Aside from those that are “fallen”, an- vision and are not meant to be a literal gels do what God wants them to do. description of angels. Angels are spiritu- The word “angel” literally means al beings, and they do not have physical “messenger”, indicating that one of bodies. their primary functions is to deliver messages from God. As when an angel told Mary that she would give birth to So with those misconceptions out of the Jesus, or when an angel informed the way, consider these five realities that shepherds that Jesus had been born. the Bible reveals about angels. What Angels Are: Angels are created beings. Angels have not always existed. They had a beginning. In Colossians chapter one, Paul teaches that Jesus created everything, including angels and the en- tire the spiritual realm. And He didn’t just create a few prototypes; He created a massive number. Revelation 5:11 even refers to “thousands and millions” of angels. Angels are invisible spirit beings. Angels exist as spirits, invisible to the human eye. But, every once in a while, angels do take on physical form in order to make their presence known. We see examples throughout the Bible of times when angels interacted with humanity. Every time, they appeared as young men. But this does not necessary imply that angels have gender. There were times when an angel would take on form and the people would not even realize they were interacting with an angel. And at other times, the people would be struck with a sense of terror. So it would appear that the form they adopt varies. Angels may not be what they appear to be. In the spiritual realm, there are good So angels are God’s servants; they do not take orders from humanity. God may assign them to serve or protect people from time to time, but it’s at His bidding. Angels battle for God, protecting God’s people. The Old Testament (2 nd Kings 19) con- tains an account of King Hezekiah cry- ing out to God for help when the Assyri- an army attacks. And God responds. He sends a single angel who slays 185,000 Assyrian soldiers. That’s how powerful angels are. They are much more fierce than commonly thought. Which makes the idea of a guardian angel particularly appealing. The notion that a person is always being protected is compelling. But while God may peri- odically assign an angel to a particular person, there is no clear indication that this assignment is permanent. Nor is it implied that the same angel is assigned to the same person every time. So are angels a reality? According to the Bible, yes. They may not fit popular con- ceptions, but there is a host of angelic beings hidden in a spiritual realm. They are under the command of God Him- self, and they are ready to serve and battle at His discretion. Tips/Active Summer