Good News Press September/Oct. 2015 September 2015 | Page 7
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Watch & Pray
in, as we watch bible prophecy
being fulfilled. God so lovingly
foretold us of things to come before it happened, because God
already knew the end from the
beginning. Why do you think Jesus told us things that would happen before he returned? Could it
be that when we saw all the crazy
things in this world happen,
Christians would not lose hope,
and hold fast to what they believe. Could it also be that God
wanted Believers to know the
Luke 21:36 Watch ye therefore, season that they were living in. I
and pray always, that ye may be believe there is a special reward
accounted worthy to escape all for all those that are looking,
these things that shall come to watching, and anticipating the
Lord’s catching away of the
pass, and to stand before the
Saints in an event called the rapSon of man.
ture, and also rewards for those
The Bible contains detailed
that share the word of God and
prophecy about the future. Its
this hope to others.
amazing, the times that we live