Good News Press June 2016 June 2016 | Page 6

Good News Press - 6 The Blessings of Being Persecuted for the Cause of Christ Continued from Page 2 by Sean Gooding So I ask: Are you ready? Am I ready to suffer for the Lord? For most of us the answer is more worry for our children and wives. If we die, so be it but we would hate to see our loved one suffer and by standing for the Lord we put them in harm’s way. of Jesus is nothing new and it is The nation of Israel hated coming to North America. Jeremiah; they hated his words and actions. ZerubbaThe truth is for 2000 years— bel was hated by the eneevery day somewhere in the mies of Israel and they plotworld— someone has been suf- ted his death many times. fering for naming the name of Elijah was hated especially Jesus. The attack on the people by Ahab and Jezebel. John of the Lord has been full on for a the Baptist the last Old Tes“Blessed are those who are per- long time. It is now beginning to tament prophet was beheadsecuted for righteousness” reach the shores of the “First ed by Herod. For the Old (verse 10). World” and it is uncomfortable. Testament prophets, persecution was a part of their It is important that we suffer for For the most part we still worthe right reasons. If we are arship freely in North America. Yet lives and often the reason for their death. rested for evil then our suffering in contrast to us here in North is just. In Romans 13:1, we are America the BBC World News Of course the ultimate persecuinstructed to be “subject to the reported in November 2013 that tion came to our Lord and Savauthorities” as they are appoint- about 100,000 Christians die ior who died for being a righted by God. However we are each year under the category of eous man. The Pharisees hated clearly taught in the book of martyr. Time magazine reported this; they hated seeing true Daniel that our submission to in January 2014 that the number righteousness and godly living. civil authority only goes as far of “martyrs” had doubled from They would rather kill off Jesus as their submission to God’s au- 2012 -2013, the majority if these than repent and change their thority. happening in Syria. lives, and this is the very attiWhen confronted with God’s law vs. Man’s law we are always called to obey God. There was a time when obeying God’s law was respected in the lost world but as we move toward the return of the Lord, the respect for God’s law and for those who subject themselves to it is eroding. Foxe’s Book of Martyrs is a good resource for us to learn about the sufferings that many of our brothers and sisters endured for their belief in Christ. There is another book called Jesus Freaks put out by a band named DC Talk. It gives an account of the suffering a lot of martyrs. Suffering for the name “For it is not you who speak, but it is the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you. Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death. You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved.” tude of the world today. They would rather kill off the messengers of Jesus than humble Your own enemies will be the themselves and repent. ones you love the most and who claim to love you the most. This Are you ready to suffer for the will be hard to swallow for many. Lord? I don’t know if I am, and So, are you ready to suffer for each of us need to be ready in the Lord? I ask the Lord to grant the power of the Holy Spirit to me the strength to be ready suffer for the truth. We must de- when and if the time comes. I pend on God to give us the “Rejoice and be exceedingly can’t do it in my own power and power to suffer and to endure glad, for great is your reward in neither can you. heaven, for so they persecuted whatever comes our way. It is will most often be talk, but if we Rejoice and be exceedingly the prophets who were before stay much longer on this fallen glad, for great is your reward in you.” planet the chance of true, hard heaven. It is a reminder that suffering is core physical consequences for www.mississaugamissionarybc. to be expected in the work of believing in Jesus is a reality. com the Kingdom and it happened to Here is another reminder from the prophets whose writing was Jesus in Matthew 10:21-22: missionarybaptistrecorded in the Old Testament. [email protected] No one suffers for the Lord without reward. Those who have the privilege of suffering for the Lord are promised the kingdom of heaven. In verse 12 of Matthew goes on to bolster those that will suffer by reminding them that their reward will be great in heaven: