Good News Press January/February 2017 Good News Press January/February 2017 | Page 7

Prophecy …... Cont ’ d from Page 3

Good News Press - 7

White House and Oval Office had Hillary Clinton won . This may be the biggest reason the Left lost as many in the Clinton campaign were cheerleaders for this evil .
14 ) The run-up to the lawlessness in the Tribulation has begun . There was postelection rioting with the promise of much more to come -- all a blatant rejection of Donald J . Trump . Barack Obama was the most lawless president in U . S . history . He even told illegals they could vote with no consequences . Now the Left is making daily comments about assassinating Donald Trump .
15 ) The gay agenda has turned blatant . Many major corporations promoted this with their national advertising . The " days of Noah " have returned as predicted by Jesus . The transgender agenda also flourished . In both cases Target led the way with promotion .
16 ) The predicted rise in the persecution of Christians and Jews intensified . At the same time , some pastors were forced to turn over sermons for inspection in America and Christian businesses were hammered for trying to stand for righteousness . Yet Islam is protected and no condemnation can be given .
17 ) For most of these to play out required the prophesied rise in strong delusion ( II Thess . 2:10- 12 ). Those who take delight in mocking and rejecting Him , He will condemn , confuse their thinking , and cause them to believe fables . And they do ! Remember , global warming is a greater danger than radical Islam . Today it would seem the Mad Hatter is in charge .
18 ) Technology giants came against righteousness once again . From Facebook to YouTube to Google to Twitter , their progressive agenda rejected a conservative and Christian message . The Christian film " I Am Not Ashamed " had their YouTube trailer taken down one year in advance , marginalizing ticket sales .
Things are not falling apart -- they are falling into place . Can you hear the hoof beats of the four horsemen of the apocalypse in the distance ?
I won ' t be silent about the signs of the times . If Jesus chastised the Pharisees for not knowing the signs of His first coming , why would we not be expected to be aware of today ' s apocalyptic signs ?
Rise up , wake up and look up !