Good News Press January/February 2016 Good News Press Spring 2016 | Page 5
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March/April Events
before Easter.
March 1-31, American Red Cross
March 27, Easter Sunday. Most joyous
festival of the Christian year,
marking the resurrection of Christ.
March 1-31, National Women's History Also a secular holiday celebrated
Month. To focus on their achievewith bunnies, colored eggs, candy,
ments and contributions.
Easter baskets and new clothes, especially ladies' hats.
March 1-31 Social Work Month. First
commissioned by President Ronald
28, White House Easter Egg Role.
Reagan to celebrate their work and
Held on the grounds since 1810.
April 1, April Fools' Day. Since
March 3, International Ear Care Day. ancient Roman times, a day to send
To promote hearing care across the
someone on a false errand, comment
world, by the World Health Organiza- on their clothes or make various
tion (WHO).
March 6-12, National Consumer Protection Week. A time for All Americans to learn more about business
wherever they shop.
April 1-30, National Occupational
Therapy Month. To recognize accomplishments of therapy practitioners.
April 1-30, National Stress AwareMarch 8, International Working Wom- ness Month. Focuses on stress, what
en's Day. First proclaimed at an
it is, what causes it, and what can
international conference of women at be done.
Helsinki, Finland in 1910.
April 3-9, National Window Safety
March 9, Registered Dietitian Nutri- Week. By the National Safety Countionists Day. They are advancing the cil, to increase awareness of their
nutritional status of Americans and importance in safety.
people around the world.
April 4-10, The Masters Tournament
March 10, World Kidney Day. To raise at Augusta National Golf Club, Auawareness of how the kidneys play a gusta, GA. It was first held in
crucial role in keeping us alive and 1934.
April 10-16, National Volunteer
March 13-Nov. 6, Daylight Saving
Week, by the Points of Light InstiTime. Begins March 13 at 2:00 a.m.
tute in Atlanta, GA, celebrating
Move clocks ahead one hour. "Spring the work of U.S. volunteers.
forward, fall back."
April 11-17, Cherry Blossom Festival
March 15, George Washington's 1783
in Greater Philadelphia. By the Jaaddress to the Continental Congress pan American Society. It's a centuat Newburgh, NY, Anniversary. He
ries-old tradition.
asked officers to have patience for
clothing, food, and back pay.
April 18, Income Tax payday.
March 16, Freedom of Information
Day. The American Library Association celebrates the public's "right
to know."
April 18, The Boston Marathon in
Boston, MA, the 120th running. Includes 27,000 runners and 500,000
March 20-June 20, Spring in the
Northern Hemisphere. Begins with the
vernal equinox at 12:30 am., EDT.
The sun rises at due east and sets
at due west everywhere in the world
except at the poles.
April 22, Passover Begins at Sundown. Passover is celebrated from
April 23 through April 30.
March 24-26, Holy Thursday, Good
Friday and Easter Even, the days
OreMi Mentoring
Program - Oakland
Mentors Wanted! Volunteers are
supported in working with a foster
youth 4 hours/month for one year.
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Contact the OreMi Mentoring Program at: (510) 834-2443, ext.
3033; [email protected],
April 24-30, Administrative Professionals Week. Acknowledging their
contributions and their vital roles
in business, industry, education and
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News Press. TV commercials air
daily on CNN, BET, and OWN
sharing the gospel message in the
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[email protected]
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