Good News Press January/February 2016 Good News Press Spring 2016 | Page 2
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About Good News Press
Sharing the good news of God’s Love through his Son to our local community and world!
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Good News Press is a Christian
outreach publication in the San
Francisco Bay Area. This popular
high-quality, newspaper, informs
and inspires believers, as well as
plant seeds into the hearts of
men and women that do not
know Jesus Christ.
Good News Press covers world,
national, and local religious news
and events, and features inspiring Christian articles and insights.
It is available, both digitally
online and in full-color printed
Christian newspapers reach a targeted
audience-specifically a family oriented, audience, with strong loyalties and
share the good news, and bring to
them the love of Jesus Christ. We do
that by bringing glory to God in this
• Urgency… We believe that these are
Why Support Good News Press
the last days and that Jesus Christ is
• Fulfill the Great Commission! Help
soon to return.
us tell our neighbors about the Good
News of Jesus Christ and reap eternal • Distribution Good News Press is
distributed FREE all over the Bay Area.
rewards. Good News Press believes
You can find it in area grocery stores
that this commission begins in our
own backyards. There are more than 7 and businesses.
Good News Press is produced by
Million people in the Bay Area and a
great number need to be reached. We Baron & Connie Woods and Family.
want to reach these men and women, To contact us: [email protected].
Why Was Jesus Called the
Lamb of God?
by Greg Hanson
John the Baptist was a bit eccentric. He
might have even been put in a padded
room today. John lived out in the middle of nowhere, his diet consisted of
locusts, and he wore animal skin clothing. Then to complete his image, he
traveled around shouting at people,
“Repent, for the kingdom of God is
At first glance, John the Baptist came
across as rather strange. Still, people
started to recognize that there was
something special about him. They discovered he had some interesting things
to say. It was as if he was some kind of a
prophet—a prop