Good News Press Fall 2019 Mail Insert Good News Press Fall 2019 Mail Insert
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Plan of Salvation:
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he
gave his only begotten Son, that whoso-
ever shall believe in him should not per-
ish, but have everlasting life.
Romans 10:9
That if thou shalt confess with thy
mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe
in thine heart that God hath raised him
from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
The Divinity of Jesus - Why Do Christians Hold This View?
Dating all the way back to the first cen-
tury, Christians have regarded Jesus as
not only human but also divine. Jesus
himself laid claim to divinity, but why
did the early Christians believe him?
What evidence is there to support his
claim? Here are four areas of evidence
Christians look to as support for Jesus’
claim to divinity.
1. The fulfillment of Old Testament
prophecies. There were literally hun-
dreds of prophecies, written centuries
before Jesus was born, that were ful-
filled in the person of Jesus. These
were not just vague prophecies; they
were specific prophecies about the Jew-
ish Messiah: that he would be born of a
virgin, in the town of Bethlehem, of the
tribe of Judah, from the house of David.
His birth would be announced by an-
gels, he would cleanse the Temple, he
would be betrayed for a precise amount
of money, and he would be executed at
a specific time in a specific way. Cen-
turies before crucifixion was first im-
plemented by the Romans as a form of
execution, the Old Testament prophe-
cies painted a picture of how Jesus
would die.
2. Jesus’ supernatural miracles. The
miracles of Jesus as recorded in the
four New Testament gospels went be-
yond the ability of any illusionist. Peo-
ple who had been blind, crippled, or
deaf were suddenly able to see, walk,
and hear. People who had died were
brought back to life. Lepers were made
well, water was turned into wine, and a
young boy’s bag lunch was used to feed
thousands. Even extra-biblical sources
recognize that Jesus was regarded as a
miracle worker. For example, the Jew-
ish Talmud, which is skeptical toward
Jesus, acknowledges that Jesus dealt in
the supernatural.
By Greg Hanson
professor and thinker C. S. Lewis ob-
served, if you read through the New
Testament and consider what Jesus
taught, you have to either accept what
He said as the words of God or discard
them as the ramblings of a madman.
The power and the timeless wisdom of
Jesus’ words lend credibility to his
claims of divinity.
4. The Resurrection of Jesus from the
dead. If the Resurrection really hap-
pened, then it is the greatest evidence
of all for the divinity of Jesus. Christian
apologists such as Ravi Zacharias, Lee
Strobel and William Lane Craig identi-
fy a variety of arguments in favor of
believing in the resurrection. They
point to evidence such as the prepon-
derance of the early eyewitness ac-
3. The power of Jesus’ teachings.
counts, the multiple post-resurrection
Jesus spoke with such authority, wis-
appearances of Jesus, the fact that the
dom, and insight that some of those
disciples were willing to die for their
who heard him concluded that they
belief in the Resurrection, and the ina-
were not the words of an ordinary man. bility of the Jewish and Roman authori-
This by itself does not prove anything, ties to explain the empty tomb. If the
but it is consistent with what could be
Resurrection did not occur, all of Chris-
expected of divinity. It supports
tianity unravels. But if the Resurrection
(though it does not prove) the idea that really did happen, then it proves that
Jesus was divine. As the former Oxford Jesus really is divine.
Good News Press Question & Answer to Mass Shootings & More
Is Gun Control the answer to Mass
Shootings? Mass shootings and all gun
violence are symptoms of deeper spir-
itual, societal, family, and heart prob-
lems that exist in our society today.
These problems are spiritual problems
that can only be fixed by turning back
to God, accepting biblical truths, teach-
ing our children these truths, prayer,
and inviting the Lord Jesus Christ to
rule in our hearts and world.
kind to make choices for a season, but
one day will have to account for their
actions. The bible says one day there
will be a judgment.
Does God Love Mankind? Yes he
does, according to John 3:16.
How Can I Get Right with God?
Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned, and
come short of the glory of God."
Romans 6:23a "For the wages of sin is
death, but the gift of God is eternal life
through Jesus Christ our Lord."
If God Loves the World why is there
evil in the world? In God’s love he
gave mankind a free will with the abil-
ity to make good and bad choices. He Romans 5:8, "But God commendeth his
wanted mankind to love him and others love toward us, in that, while we were
but not by force. God is allowing man- yet sinners, Christ died for us."
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Romans 10:9,10 "That if thou shalt confess
with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt
believe in thine heart that God hath raised
him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
For with the heart man believeth unto
righteousness; and with the mouth con-
fession is made unto salvation."
Romans 10:13 "For whosoever shall
call upon the name of the Lord shall be
Pray this Prayer: Lord Jesus, forgive
me for all of my sins. I believe that you
died on the cross. And that you were
buried, and on the third day, God the
father raised you from the dead. I ask
that you come into my heart and be my
Lord and Savior.