Good Food Rising Youth_Toolkit_JooMag | Page 75

HEADER • SECTION ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY • OVERVIEW (Above) A Confined Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) in North Carolina after a Hurricane caused massive damage and manure leakage into waterways. Photo: Rick Dove. Food production contributes to climate change. Activities like producing, transporting and disposing of food, generate nearly one third of total global greenhouse gas emissions. 10 Livestock production is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. 11 This doesn’t mean that eating meat is bad --, it means the way meat is usually produced is harmful to the environment. The scientific evidence shows that we have to change the way food is produced, and how much food is wasted, to avoid the worst climate change scenarios. 12 Farming better Luckily for us, and the environment, there is more to farming than industrial agriculture. Farmers across the country and the world are producing plenty of food without harming the environment. They are using organic and agroecological methods like cover cropping, crop rotation, integrated pest management, and crop- livestock integration—practices that work with nature instead of against it. 13 Motivated by environmental, social justice, and health concerns, food produced this way is gaining traction. How do you want your school food to be produced? Greenhouse gas emissions: Greenhouse gases are any gasses that can trap heat in the atmosphere, effectively warming the earth. These gases include carbon dioxide and nitrious oxide, which from the burning of fossil fuels, like coal and petroleum; and methane, which comes from CAFOs, landfills, fossil fuel production. 73