Good Food Rising Youth_Toolkit_JooMag | Page 71

HEADER • SECTION ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY • OVERVIEW (Above) This corn is an example of monocropping or monoculture. Fields like this can go on for hundreds of thousands of acres. What is industrial agriculture and what are its impacts? Industrial agriculture is a system of intensive farming that has taken over much of American farmland. It works to control nature, instead of work with it. One hallmark of industrial agriculture is monoculture, the practice of intensively growing a single crop on a really large scale. “Corporate agriculture doesn’t reliably grow more food in the future—or even today.” 1 Initially seen as a technological advancement that would be able to feed the world’s quickly- growing population, it was heavily supported by government and corporate groups and quickly became a popular trend. Instead of solving world hunger, it has been busy eroding the biodiversity of farms and surrounding environments and wildlife.The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that, over the twentieth century, the world’s agricultural diversity declined by 75 to 90 percent. 2 Imagine you originally started with five types of apples: Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Green, Fuji, and Pink Lady. Now imagine you only have one or two left. That is what happens when we lose agricultural diversity, and it is due in part to the practice of monocropping. GOOD FOOD PURCHASING PROGRAM • GOOD FOOD RISING 69