Good behaviour is ok and fun 3 Good behaviour is ok and fun | Page 7

France We all face rude behaviour and bullying at school, and I think it is important to make our pupils have a deep reflection about it, as individuals and as groups. This project enabled us to think about the consequences of our behaviour in everyday life, because we examined many situations in which we sometimes forget good behaviour. My pupils and I came to the conclusion that respect is the key, and their favourite part of the project was “TREAT YOUR FRIEND THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED”. We chose it as a slogan for the class, it sums up all we need to live happily together at school. This project found its strength in the international size. Indeed, eTwinning helped me, and my pupils, once more, to find motivation and enthusiasm to teach and learn, thanks to the activities we shared with our partners. I cannot say how great the platform is to meet people, to open our minds, to fight against discrimination and to accept the differences. My pupils particularly liked to discover other languages and alphabets. Finally, we acqui red new ICT skills, with tools such as Google slides, Canva, Poster my wall, Learning Apps, WordArt, Cram, Word Cloud and many others! This project will definitely remain in our memories as a peaceful and benevolent interlude in our hectic lifestyle and hopefully we will be able to remember what we learned thanks to it!