Good behaviour is ok and fun 3 Good behaviour is ok and fun | Page 4
Through every step of this journey we have taken with students’ peers and their
teachers, my students have become more aware of their own behaviour and their
responsibilities. They know what good behaviour means, they like it and hope for it,
but have problems to stand by it in many situations.
We have learned that we need to promote good behaviour everywhere - in our class,
our partners classes, whole school, family, in everyday life. Many things we need to
learn, like: to recognize acts of kindness, to enjoy in small good deeds we make for
others, to greet magic words as huge drivers of good, beautiful emotions.
But we are reacher for new feeling of liberty to express ourselves in different ways,
creative and adapted to the enthusiasm and affinities of each student individually.
When I say that I mean in good behaviour of all group members, who allowed each
other to be on their own and yet so special.
We have worked on our problems, used ICT to share our and discover results of our
peers topic investigation. We have played and talked, discuss and analyze, in order
to find the rules of good behaviour, we all are going to stick to next school year. As
much as we can.