GolfPlus July 2018 Digital Edition (July 2018) | Page 42

3UDFWLFLQJ\RXUEDODQFHE\KLWWLQJEDOOVZLWK\RXUIHHWWRJHWKHU VWDQGLQJRQO\RQ\RXUOHIWULJKWIRRWLVDQLQFUHGLEO\LPSRUWDQWIXOO VZLQJGULOOIRUHYHU\OHYHORISOD\HU7KHOLVWRIVZLQJHUURUVWKDW WKLVVLPSOHGULOOZLOODLGLQFOXGHVZD\LQJRQWKHEDFNVZLQJRYHU VZLQJLQJLQVXႈ FLHQWZULVWKLQJHRQWKHEDFNVZLQJVWDUWLQJWKH GRZQVZLQJZLWKWKHVKRXOGHUVDQGFRPLQJRYHUWKHWRSDQGQRW URWDWLQJWKHIRUHDUPVWKURXJKLPSDFWVRTXLWHDFROOHFWLRQUHDOO\ I t’s easy to do and the bene¿ ts are many: Narrowing your base of support makes it near impossible to sway off the ball as you start your takeaway. Instead, you’ll feel a natural body rotation. The tempo and rhythm of your swing will improve and your balance skills will become stronger. Address the ball with your feet touching one another. Hit a few mid-iron shots using half to ¾ swings. Keep the grip pressure light, the pace easy and aim to rotate your body over 48 GolfPlus JULY the back foot on the backswing and through to the front foot in the ¿ nish. If you feel off- balance at the end, it’s likely that your arms and hands were too active, knocking you out of sync. By striving to stay in balance, you’re training the upper and lower halves of your body to work together in the correct sequence. Try a few before your next round - it’s easy to incorporate into your pre-round warm-up and it really helps set the tone for a good swing on that all-important ¿ rst tee! 2018