"It was the best
experience of my
golfing career for
sure," Mehmet told
us. "I learnt so
much, even just
playing practice
rounds with the
LPGA players."
Photo: David Powell
For Inci Mehmet, one of her dreams that respect. Naturally athletic with a
has come true this summer. Qualifying desire to be the best golfer she can
for the Ricoh Women's British Open at be, Mehmet is well on her way to
Royal Lytham & St Annes saw her take becoming a future LET winner.
on some of the LPGA's biggest names.
Golfhacker caught up with Inci
Paula Creamer and Morgan Pressel Mehmet at the British Par 3
were amongst those aiming to clinch Championship to talk about her
one of the spots to play at this year's summer and in particular, her
major. Yet, neither made it. Instead, experience at this years Ricoh
there was a changing of the guard Women's British Open.
moment as 21-year-old, Inci Mehmet
secured her place at Royal Lytham & "It was the best experience of my
St Annes. golfing career for sure," Mehmet told
us. "I learnt so much, even just
It could have been a different story if playing practice rounds with the
she was still playing football. She was LPGA players."
certainly talented and caught the eye
of Crystal Palace. However, returning The LPGA is next on Mehmet's
home with bruises on her legs, it was agenda and it is easy to see why.
decided that perhaps golf would be a Players like Inci want to play against
better sport for her to play. the best. Jetting off to California for
LPGA qualifying was on her mind.
Football's loss is certainly golf's gain in
Photo: Ladies European Tour