Golfhacker Golfhacker Issue 13-min | Page 3

G O L F H A C K E R M A G A Z I N E ISSUE 13 C O N T E N T S 0 8 Cover Story: The Rise and Rise of Inci Mehmet 1 2 Ashley Mason: One year on from our first meeting with him, how have things gone since? 1 6 Jenny Falconer: Six months into her golfing journey...we decided to act as caddy at the Britis Par 3 Championship 2 4 Travel: Golfhacker heads to Switzerland for an Alpine Golfing Adventure 3 2 Equipment: Mizuno unveil stunning new JPX919 Irons 20 Golf Chat: Dean Ashton answers our quick fire questions 22 Meet Bro, the caddy who aims give you the complete experience 36 Reviewed: Stamp your balls: The best way to play your own ball?