GMA Conference Wrap
he Conference was kicked off on
the Sunday with a welcome cocktail
party in the historic Mortlock
Wing of the State Library of South
Australia, allowing delegates to meet
with colleagues and friends from around
Australia and internationally.
Golf Club in Victoria and Gloucester Country
Club in NSW, were, undoubtedly, extremely
grateful for the generous grant.
Early feedback from delegates and sponsors
was enormously positive, with many great
comments on the location and accessibility
of the Adelaide Convention Centre as a
conference venue, along with the adjacent
Intercontinental Adelaide hotel, home to
most delegates for the week.
GMA President, Andrew Gay, summed things
up: “This year’s conference in Adelaide was
an outstanding success, once again providing
an ideal platform for improved professional
development of golf management
Following the welcome party the
official opening dinner was held in the
Intercontinental Adelaide ballroom on the
Monday night, where former Australian
test wicketkeeper, Wayne Phillips, was
introduced to delegates as MC for the
Toro Australia in
conjunction with GMA
had ahead of the
conference offered up
the chance for eligible
golf clubs to win a pre-
owned Toro Triflex
3400 mower through
their Support & Grow
Grants program.
With a resale value
of $18,000 for each
machine, Gisborne
“The combination of national and
international speakers provided exceptionally
high quality professional development and
this combined with networking
opportunities allowed
golf club managers
to converse about
industry issues with
their peers and golf’s
key stakeholders.
The Golf Marketing Professionals I
“GMA would like
to thank all those
that supported
the conference by
attending or through
their financial
support and we look
forward to the 2019
GMA Conference in