Golf Industry Central Autumn 2015 | Page 4

Mike’s Space The New Year brings a new look & new opportunities Every so often in life and business you need to step back and have a good look at what you are doing. Are you on track to achieve your goals, and are some things that were once new, start to look old, can you make some little cosmetic changes to be stay modern? Mike Orloff is an Operations and Marketing Specialist for Golf Industry Central and a PGA Member in the USA and Australia. Originally from Southern California, Mike has permanently resided on the Gold Coast for the past 10 years. He has over 20 years of commercial golf experience in various senior management roles and currently provides operational and marketing solutions to the golf industry in the region. Currently, Mike also lectures part-time for the PGA International Golf Institute and runs the industry based website Editor / Sales: Mike Orloff [email protected] +61 415 682 259 Skype – golf.industry.central Contributors: Over the holiday break it was nice to get away and clear the head for a while and in my case clear the head of my hair (well what was left ;) I’ve had the same hair style for 20 years and every time going to have it cut, I want to go with a new style, but fall back into what is comfortable. This time was different and I wanted change and change in a big way so off it all came. We have also been starting this type of “renewal and refresh” process for our website. Its been live now for 7 years without much cosmetic change except for one minor set of changes a few years ago. Over the past 18mths we launched Golf Industry Central, Golf Recruitment Central, Golf Operations Central, and Grow the Game Central leaving the main site the last to be upgraded into our modern online world. Pebble Beach, CA, the international slow play expert and the “guru of pace of play,” to bring Pace Manager Systems® to golf courses and clubs in Australia, New Zealand and Asia. Using the same techniques that he used to help courses such as the Old Course at St Andrews, Pebble Beach Golf Links, Hong Kong Golf Club, Singapore Island Country Club and hundreds of others solve their slow play problems and take a larger share of their market, Yates plans to explode the myths that perpetuate slow play and help courses in Australia and Asia decrease complaints, improve the playing experience, and increase profits. We welcome Pace Manager Systems® in joining our ever expanding portfolio of brands we work with which includes, Golf Queensland, Gary Player Design, Exclusiv Golf Deva – New Caledonia. So my advice to you is to take that chance you have been procrastinating on with now taking a big change which will only make you feel renewed and rejuvenated. There is a lot of planning to do over coming months but we should have launched after Winter. We would love your feedback on what you would like to see or is most important to you. I am excited to also announce this month a new partnership with Bill Yates of Mike Orloff Managing Director Bruce Young - Golf Journalist Publisher Morlo Pty Ltd ACN 123 872 784 ABN 1812 3872 784 PO Box 4743, Robina Town Centre, Robina Qld 4230 Contents may not be reproduced without written permission. Views expressed in editorial contributions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this publication and it’s management. Golf Industry Central exists to help golf facilities throughout Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia perform better. We offer easy access to golf industry news, job vacancies, recruitment services and operational advice. We also help overseas markets access the local golf industry via our vast network, online magazine and weekly publications. Golf Industry Central operates with a general premise that for the industry to get stronger there is a real need for a cross pollination of ideas and networking from across all the different sectors of the golf industry. We all have a common denominator with our respective businesses - we need more people playing golf and spending money! Currently our readership covers all sectors of the industry General Managers, Superintendents, suppliers, golf pros, front line staff, accounting, architects, and various others from over 80 countries worldwide. Our goal in each issue is to bring you a fresh and unique perspective on our golf industry. Through the sharing and discussion of thought-provoking topics, we will hopefully help your business in some small way. For this magazine to be fully sustainable and to achieve our goal and vision, it truly will need to be a collaborative effort. A