Golf Car Options Magazine March 2020 GCOptions Mar20 MAGZTER | Page 12
Choosing The Right CHARGER
Makes ALL The Difference
Whether you’re preparing to play through a full
18 holes out on the green, or you just want to
ride around your camp in comfort you never
want your golf cart to run out of power while
you’re out on a ride. That’s why it’s so important
to get the right charger that will keep your battery
powered up and in good shape.
The wrong charger for your cart won’t just make
charging your ride more difficult, it can also do
damage to the battery. That’s why it’s up to you to
take your time and make the right purchase deci-
sion. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to find the
proper charger. Below is our guide to matching
a golf cart charger with your cart for the perfect
Figure out What Your Voltage is
The first step to ensure that your cart charger will
work right for you is to find out what voltage your
golf cart is. Read through your cart’s documen-
tation, look at the charger port on your ride and
look around for any information that you can find
about your golf cart to figure out exactly what
the charging voltage should be. It’s vital that you
match this figure right the first time.
Why Voltage Matters
Your golf cart’s battery is designed to charge at
a specific voltage. Trying to charge at too low
of a voltage will result in slow charging or not
charging at all. Attaching a golf cart charger to
your device with too high of a voltage will put the
battery at risk of overheating and being dam-
aged. That’s why it’s so important to make sure
you have a charger that’s set at the right voltage
level. This is the most important step and what
you must take your time to complete. Look close-
ly at the battery of your cart and make sure you
know what voltage is meant to charge it. If you
can’t find out from the battery itself you should
be able to look up the specifications of your golf
cart to help you make the right decision.
Get an Onboard Charger for Convenience
There are a few different types of golf cart char-
gers, but the most popular type in use today is
an onboard charger. These chargers get installed
right on your cart itself and attached to the bat-
tery all the time. When you want to charge up
your cart you just plug a cord into it and it starts
the charging process. Onboard chargers are very
convenient, especially when there’s a surge in