Golf Car Options Magazine March 2020 GCOptions Mar20 MAGZTER | Page 10
Golf cart products you need... want... gotta have... or dream about
Michelin Unveils New Airless Radial Tire For Golf Carts
X Tweel Turf Comfort
Michelin North America introduces new
Michelin X Tweel Turf Comfort tire for golf
carts and stand-on mowers, providing a new
option for owners who
want a smooth ride
on dependable, wor-
ry-free tires.
This version of Mi-
chelin’s airless radial
tire-wheel assembly
replaces the standard
18X8.5N10 front and
rear tire and wheel for
gas- or electric-pow-
ered golf cart users.
“Michelin developed
the new Comfort ver-
sion based on direct
feedback from our
customers,” said Justin
Brock, senior market-
ing manager, Michelin North America.
“This version will allow them to enjoy all the
benefits of the current Tweel with improved
comfort and traction. This product will re-
place the current aesthetic version in our
portfolio. We will continue to manufacture
the utility version for utility golf carts that
demand higher load capacity.
The new design includes a softer shearbeam
construction, which reduces stiffness and
improves ride comfort. A longer contact
patch gives the tire better traction on flat
surfaces and slopes. Lower ground pres-
sure reduces turf damage. The wheel has a
four-bolt pattern with a -0.4-inch offset and
a black center hub. The Comfort can also be
used on stand-on
mowers that use an
18×8.5N10 size tire.
Because the X
Tweel Turf has no
air, it cannot go
flat, eliminating
the need to main-
tain air pressure.
It’s constructed
with high-strength
poly-resin spokes
that carry the load
and create suspen-
sion-like character-
istics for the golf
cart. This structure
absorbs impact and
reduces bounce for
improved operator comfort.
The tire boasts a durable, multi-directional
tread that provides long wear life. It has a
maximum speed of 25 mph and a maximum
load of 529 pounds.