Golden Box Book Publishing Three Ghosts in a Black Pumpkin | Page 22

“ Well , if that ’ s true , where do you come from ?” Jack asked . “ How come you can talk ?”
“ I come from Creepy Hollow , a land that exists in another realm ,” said Wishbone Jones .
“ Never heard of it ,” said Nikki .
“ Of course you haven ’ t ,” said Wishbone . “ Few people in your world know of its existence , and those few are all children , just like yourselves .”
“ Well , my name is Jack , and this is my cousin Nikki ,” said Jack .
“ I ’ ve been watching you two kids and it ’ s very nice to meet you both .”
Nikki took the wind chime off the hook and held it in her hand . “ So how did you end up here , on Grandma ’ s front porch ?”
“ That ’ s a bit of a long story ,” said Wishbone .
“ We have plenty of time before we go Trick or Treating ,” she said .
“ Well ,” Wishbone began , “ once upon a time I was a great warrior . I fought many battles until I was badly injured in the Troll War , protecting The Trinity of Wishmothers , who watches over Creepy Hollow .”
“ You mean … you don ’ t mean you ’ re dead , do you ?” asked Nikki
“ No , I ’ m alive but I ’ m not a man anymore ,” Wishbone told her . “ I ’ m sorry .” “ Me , too ,” said Jack .