Golden Box Book Publishing Pico The Pesky Parrot | Page 18

Available in eBook and print The Author La autora Erika M Szabo When I decided to learn German, I signed up to take a language course. Well, it didn’t work for me. The instructor made us repeat words ten times as a chorus and ten minutes later none of us remembered the word or its meaning. It might have been that the dry and repetitive teaching method was too boring for me, or perhaps it was the fact that I always learned best at my own pace. As a result, I quit the course after just two lessons. Later on, I came across fun looking picture books written in German for children. My daughter was a toddler, and she wanted to know what the story was about, so I grabbed a dictionary and started translating the words into Hungarian. After I translated a paragraph word for word, some of the sentences didn’t make sense. So, I rearranged the structure of the sentences to sound correctly in Hungarian, and then I compared it with the German paragraph. I grabbed a few words from each paragraph, wrote them down and looked up the words in the dictionary. Following this easy method, I learned the meaning of some of the words, how the words are used in a sentence and the plural of words. When we moved to the US, I used the same method to learn Basic English. Cuando decidí aprender alemán, me apunté a un curso. Y la verdad es que para mí no funcionó, el profesor nos hacía repetir las palabras diez veces como si fuéramos un coro y diez minutos después, ninguno de nosotros recordaba la palabra o su significado. Puede haber sido que el repetitivo y monótono método fuera demasiado aburrido para mí, o quizá fue el hecho que yo siempre he aprendido mejor a mi propio ritmo. En consecuencia, dejé el curso sólo después de dos 18