Golden Box Book Publishing Pico The Pesky Parrot | Page 10

Molly couldn’t find a solution. She was ready to give up and call her niece to return the ticket when she realized that she knocked on almost every neighbor’s door, but she didn’t visit the young family that recently moved to the neighborhood. Molly sighed with a heavy heart, but decided to give it a try. I have nothing to lose. She thought. Even if they say no, at least I can say I tried. When Molly knocked on the door, Sarah, Emma’s mom, opened it and invited Molly in. “Hello, Emma,” Molly said when she saw Sarah’s daughter playing with her cats on the living room carpet. “Hello, Mrs. Smith,” Emma smiled. Sarah led Molly to the study and asked, “Can I get you something to drink?” “No, thank you. I came to ask you a favor.” Molly said nervously, wringing her fingers as she held onto her cane with both hands. 10