Golden Box Book Publishing GBBP Magazine, June, 2017 | Page 56

parking space. The traffic was heavy in the city, but soon they were driving northeast on the smooth highway. “So, what do you think?” Jayden asked. “Wow! Let me read it.” Emily turned to the first page and started translating.  I am Zoan, the humble Shaman of the Roaring Falcon tribe. I’m going to write Aisa’s story in details with the hope that the descendants of Aisa could read this and break the powerful curse in the future. It happened on the third moon of the year 426, the events that led to Tuana’s curse. The day Aisa was forced to leave her happy childhood behind and take the reality and responsibilities of adulthood. Emily lowered the book to her lap and turned to her brother, “Jay, could this be written so long ago?” “I think so, or rather hope so. Please read on.” Emily lifted the book, and said, “I’m winging it here because I’m not familiar with this word átokja, but I think it is the old version of átok, which means curse. Also, there is another phrase— akarata erősségje. I think it means powerful.” “Just do your best and you can do a more detailed translation later.” 56