Golden Box Book Publishing GBBP Magazine, July, 2017 | Page 12

“King Jarl threw his cloak on the floor. He stood up and all sound ceased. None would dare to move. “It is time, time to fight, our enemies. Teirtu has seen the now and the future. The Maxilla do not want trade, they want land, our land. The treaty of the borderland is over. It has always been ours and I want it back. We will surprise them and attack first. Are the omens favourable, mage?” Shuffling forward, his eyes downcast, the mage cast the six bones. Two fell like a cross, one over the other. Three lay touching each other, whilst the last lay some distance away. “Tell me what you see?” The king asked. “Three touching – the king will lead, I will follow with our army behind me.” “Two joining – the fate of two nations will soon be decided.” “And the single one, tell me now!” “None will help the Maxilla, my king, they are alone.” “Yeesss! Yeesss!” Warriors and common folk alike held their hands over their ears. Deafened by the screaming of a mad-man some ran away, trying to escape the incessant noise. Oblivious to everything the Tormented King shrieked and screamed. Throwing platters and goblets at the walls increased his pleasure as he ran from the hall. Slowly the men moved, drinking ale to steady frayed nerves. All had one thought in mind. They were going to war with a mad king yet would any warrior of Marathi live to tell the tale.” ebook/dp/B06XYS1RBX/ 12