Golden Box Book Publishing Books Are Not Free | Page 30

Elaine Chissick

"I never read reviews when looking to buy a book. I always read blurbs. And I have so much trouble writing blurbs because I was once looking at buying a romance/erotic saga set over six books. The blurb of each book told me the ending of the previous book. I read the whole story in six blurbs and never bought the books. This taught me how to write my own blurbs. But I still think they are the hardest part of a book to write."

Lucinda E Clarke

"I'm a bit worried about my covers as they show men with guns - it does indicate the story - my heroine survivng in a civil war, but someone told me the other day they would never buy a cover with a gun on it."

Erica Elise

"Cover and blurb are definitely my top two. After that I'm more likely to read a book if it's written by an author I've heard of or I've read other books of theirs. Reviews and excerpts play a factor sometimes."

Ashley Marie Uzzell

"Writing isn't just making up a few characters and having them go on an adventure. Writing is time away from the kids. Writing is sneaking notes between diaper changes and homework lessons so you can work on those great ideas later. Writing is locking yourself away and forgetting a good night's sleep because the muse is on a roll. It's carpal tunnel and ink on your hand. It's taking a piece of your very soul and putting it in black and white. Writing is family and friends not taking you seriously, all the while raving about the new movie coming out, based on a best selling novel. It's not just hours of editing and proofreading but budgeting for a cover artist and editor. Time away from hobbies and moments of relaxation to promote a new release. It's horrible, wonderful, mind numbing, frustrating, glorious work that I wouldn't trade for anything. So, reader, please do not undervalue my version of a hit song on the radio. My idea of a work of art. My black and white version of a star studded movie. If you love and respect any of those things, please respect my work enough to pay for it as you would them."