Golden Box Book Publishing Asthma Relief with Grandmas Remedies | Page 12

during exercise, or when you're exposed to specific triggers. Or you may have asthma symptoms all the time. More frequent and bothersome asthma symptoms such as increasing and more frequent difficulty breathing call for a quick-relief inhaler. For some people, asthma symptoms flare up in certain situations. Airway constriction Airway constriction can cause you to feel tightening in your chest. The muscles around the airways of your lungs tighten. This tightening is often called "bronchoconstriction," and it can make it very hard to breathe. Inflammation This is the cause of asthma symptoms you probably do not feel. If you have asthma, the airways of your lungs are always inflamed, and they become more swollen and irritated when asthma symptoms worsen. Inflammation can reduce the amount of air that you can take in or breathe out. In some cases, too much thick mucus is produced, which further obstructs the airways. 13