Becky’s Story️
“I definitely do not regret
purchasing my Mac,
since I’m studying Media
at Uni and I really needed
it to do my assignments.
It was something I
absolutely needed and
valued, even though I
was left broke until my
next loan. But thats what
our loans are for, right?
To buy the things we
absolutely need! I had to
get living support from my
parents, but they knew it
was the best investment
for me too"
Heather’s Story
“It’s so cliche — my
student loan was stupidly
spent on nights out and
Ubers back to the flat. I
really could’ve used the
money more wisely. Now,
I look back and think
that I could’ve used it to
travel over the summer
after handing in my last
assignments. I would’ve
liked to go to Thailand
after graduation before
getting a full time job in
the fall.”
“There’s quite a lot of things I regret spending
my loan on. I would say I do and don’t regret
spending all my loan on holidays abroad. A few
trips here and there to Disneyland Paris for the
weekend, or my most expensive was a trip to
Crete that I took my boyfriend for his 21st. I never
got to travel abroad before University, as my sister
is disabled and we never went on family holidays.
My student loan has been useful to get me out of
the UK, but now I have a £1000 bank overdraft
that I need to pay off with a part-time job.”
Emily’s Story