1 . Work hard – and be consistent.
I had to work a lot harder to
prove my point.
2 . Structure is major in having a
successful career – always plan
ahead and never take things as
they come.
3 . Always say yes, remember
whatever your employer
asks, always say yes. They will
remember that you are devoted
and will do what it takes – that’s
how I earned the position I have in
my company.
4 . Take time for yourself as well.
For me, I struggled a lot to take
time to enjoy some spare time,
which in the end made me lose
my focus. Sgain having structure
will help you to have time for fun,
as well as business.
I’ve learnt a lot
and especially
adapting to
different groups
in a professional
new people
and building
has been my
main goal this
past year.
5 . Stay positive. Mental health is a
very important point in managing
a busy everyday life – especially
as a new employee everything
will seem very overwhelming – I
started to do yoga twice a week
to keep my focus and log off.
6 . Ask for feedback. Listen to it
and use it to your own advantage
– you will continue to grown and
My biggest advice for all you females
is not backing down.