Gold Crwn Magazine ISSUE // COCO JONES | Page 38

Gabby : So do you think that mental health problems are spoken about enough in society ?
R : Certainly not ! That is one of the reasons why I and quite a few of my friends have blogs and speak so openly about mental health . The more that mental health is spoken about , it becomes less of an uncomfortable subject to be open about . I guess it can be difficult to talk about because some people do not know what to say if they or someone they know is suffering . Also , for a long time , mental health issues were unlikely to be spoken about . By encouraging people to speak up as well as having mental health a compulsory subject in the education system , this can be further dealt with . G : I still don ’ t think mental health is spoken about enough , but it has improved so much in recent years . There is still such a long way to go though . I think because it ’ s still not looked as being as severe as it really is , that people find it so hard to talk about . It is so personal compared to any other illness really , and it ’ s not something you can treat medically and it ’ ll just go away . O : I feel as if mental health is becoming a more ‘ normal ’ problem , I would love for it to be talked about more though . I think it is hard to talk about it because you don ’ t want to admit you ’ re suffering and that you are afraid people won ’ t understand .
G : I know there is a lot of help out there like charities . I think the NHS need to do more about mental health . O : there is a lot of help around , speak to friends , family or even speak to someone who you don ’ t speak to a lot , make sure you get help . Suffering in silence is the worst .
Gabby : Thank you very much to our three readers who did an in-depth interview with us , they were all so brave .
Gabby Fabrizio is a writer for Gold Crwn Magazine who speaks about mental health and girl power monthly .
Gabby : So finally , do you know of the different kinds of help that are available for people suffering or do you think that the help does need to be publicised more ?
R : The only reason that I know about the different types of help available is because of my own experiences . The types of help abatable need to be publicised so much more than it currently is because there are so many people who are struggling and do not feel like they can be helped .

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