Gold Crwn Magazine ISSUE // COCO JONES | Page 36

the conversation topic is not , which is saddening . But , what if we are the generation to make mental health a topic which isn ’ t surrounded by negative stigma ?
But just what classes as a mental health problem ? There are so many varieties of mental health problems , each equally as important as each other . Some of the more commonly known mental health problems include depression , anxiety and eating disorders . Other things such as OCD and phobias are also classed as a mental health problem which could be surprising to some people . Nevertheless , any mental health problem is as important as the other and making the next step in society to any mental health problem being respected is something that our generation can do , and I believe will do .
It can be very hard for someone who doesn ' t suffer from a mental health problem to understand exactly what a suffer goes through , but the best thing that you can do if you don ’ t understand is respect , respect , respect . Respect that people all have their own battles they are fighting whether these are physical or mental , respect that sometimes people might not be able to do things , respect that sometimes people just don ’ t want to talk but when they do listen . In a world where we are some consumed in technology the art of communication is sometimes lost , and we are all very guilty of that . But , communication is key to changing society . Take time out of your day to speak to people , even if it is just a simple hello .
We Are All The Same
The response I have received from all you lovely readers about mental health is amazing , and so many of you have got in touch with us regarding sharing your experiences with mental health to raise awareness and help other people who could be in the same situation as you .
Which is incredible . Not only are you putting yourselves out there to help others who will need your help , but you are contributing to raising awareness for such an incredible cause . You are not alone , although it may feel like it , you are surrounded by people who want to help you , you just need the confidence to communicate . Everyone is very different , I mean , let ’ s just take a look at three lovely readers , Rhianna (@ LittleRhiRhi _), Gemma Walsh and Ollie Stevens .
Gabby : Hello everyone ! Could you please share with us what your mental health problem is that you suffer with ?
R : I suffer from generalized anxiety , social anxiety , panic disorder and depression . G : I ’ ve gone through a dark stage of depression . O : I have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and depression .
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