Gold Crwn Magazine ISSUE // COCO JONES | Page 27

our chemistry is so magical during our shows . We genuinely love playing together .
Who are your inspirations ?
The list goes on and on forever , haha . I ' ll try to keep it concise ! Ella Fitzgerald and Rachelle Ferrell are probably my favorite vocalists of all time , as they ' ve helped me to understand my voice . D ' Angelo , Jill Scott , and India . Arie have made major impacts on me . Sharon Jones was the best performer I ' d ever seen live , and I ' ll always love her . Plus Aretha and Stevie , of course ! impact on myself love . We ' re all so beautifully different , and that ' s something we must learn to celebrate .
Don ' t get me wrong , I ' m a 25 year old woman and I still battle insecurities , but I now have a more positive way of dealing with them .
How do you feel about the industry ' s definition of the “ it ” girl ?
I don ' t like the idea that there can only be one " it " girl , or one kind of " it " girl . I think it kind of pits women against one another , and forces them to fight for that one " it " girl spot . I think it ' s awesome to acknowledge more than just beauty or talent , and commend women for everything that they bring to the table , including their intelligence and opinions . Well-rounded , outspoken , talented women are who we should be calling " it " girls .
What advice do you have for fans who are new artists ?
Right now , Body shamming is a big thing in the entertainment world . Have you had to deal with it ?
Oh God , yes , I have , and it ' s terrible !! To this day , ' industry folks ' tell me I need to lose weight to be successful . And it ' s sad because I ' m a size 8 , which is a pretty average size . Like most women , I ' ve struggled with my weight fluctuating over the years , and being told your weight matters more than your talent just exacerbates those insecurities .
How do you deal with it ?
The three key things I ' ve learned , is that you must love your body throughout it ' s inevitable changes , you must keep yourself healthy , and you have to realize that mainstream beauty standards are unrealistic for most women . Once I realized that eating healthy and working out made me feel better , I stopped focusing on the weight aspect of it , and I started enjoying a healthier lifestyle . I also stopped comparing myself to others , and that made a huge
Stay true to your passion and get ready to put a lot of hard work in ! Don ' t compromise your art for fame , as it won ' t make you happy in the long run ; nothing is worse than losing your love for your passion . Don ' t hop on waves or trends just because they ' re hot ; good art has longevity . Invest in yourself . Practice , rehearse , perfect your craft , always know that you can improve , never settle for mediocrity .
This industry can break your heart , so it ' s important to stay positive and make sure you are still enjoying life .
What inspires you to write ?
Life ! Whether it ' s happiness , frustration , pain , love , or heartbreak , I run on emotion ( I mean , I ' m a cancer . Of course , I run on emotion ). I take those emotions and let them take the form of song . Some songs are about one thing , some songs are a hodgepodge of feelings and people and situations .