What about music made you want to be a part of that industry?
Music is such a powerful thing. Ever since I was a kid, I have loved the feeling music gives me.
When a song can make me feel like I'm not alone in the world.. like I'm not the first person
experiencing something... THAT is what makes me want to be a part of the music industry.
Knowing that I can make someone else feel that way is a very cool thing for me.
Other than the guitar and piano, what other instruments can you play?
I used to ask for a different instrument every year for my birthday. So I would sit in my room
and teach myself chords on the ukulele, banjo, mandolin, whatever it was that I was into at the
time. I saved up one year when I was about 13 and tried to teach myself the violin... that one
didn't come so easy for me!
You have so much emotion in your music, what is the hardest song of yours to sing and why?
The most emotional song for me to perform is definitely Show and Tell. I wrote it when I was 16
after being heartbroken. And even though looking back it doesn't hurt anymore and definitely
wasn't worth being heartbroken over... I can still feel the emotion that I felt when I wrote the
song and it definitely comes out every time I play it, even after 2 years.
Why she named her EP ‘Strangers’:
I wrote the track Strangers later on in the recording process. I had the song title "Strangers" in
my notes in my phone for probably a year and never really found lyrics that fit right. When the
song finally came along, we had already recorded most of the songs for the EP and the project
was originally supposed to be titled Paper Planes. When we started wrapping up the album, I
just kept coming back to Strangers. I feel like the word itself is just interesting. To me, it's about
more than just people who have never met... it can also be people who are acquainted but
don't actually know anything about each other... or about people that once knew each other
well but don't anymore. In relationships, you're strangers when you first see each other. You
might be strangers while you're together. And there's the part after the love is gone when you