How did you get started? “I’ve been singing
since I was three, and then in high school I
posted some original music online. An A&R
from Warner Bros. Records ended up
hearing about me so I flew out and met
with him. We worked together for a couple
years until I ended up signing with Main
Attraction Music, and then my manager and
I moved to Atlanta. It’s been a journey, and
one thing has always led to another, and I
have learned so much along the way.”
What’s your writing process? “It depends
on if I’m writing on my own or if I’m cowriting. If I’m on my own, I start at my
piano and go from scratch, but if I’m cowriting, we’ll usually begin with a beat, and
the co-writers and I will take turns going in
and out of the booth and coming up with
melodies and one-liners and concepts. So
many of my favorite songs have been born
that way. One of my favorite things about
co-writing is that when you get something
good everyone involved gets excited, and
that makes for such awesome energy.”
Gearing up to release her EP, she released
the first single from the collection entitled
“New Crush”. “It’s one of those songs that I
think everyone can relate to. It was inspired
by that feeling you get when you’re first
falling in love. There is nothing like that
feeling, and the fact that we got it captured
in a song is special to me.”
Before the music, she was a full-time
model in Colorado. She pushed it aside to
pursue music and as you can see, it wasn’t
a bad decision. “I probably would have
continued modeling and acting if I hadn’t
ended up moving to Atlanta. I was