In poems, dreamers are always described as beautiful, extraordinary- something beyond normal. In real life, we are all dreamers because we all hope for some-thing better though we deny it at times. But, really, what are our dreams? How high shall we soar to reach them?
I guess this is generic- but my
main dream is to succeed. Yes,
success is relative. I don't want the
kind of success that allows me to be
rich in material things. I want the
success of living a fulfilled life. I want
to grow old happy. I want to pass
away with a smile on my face be-
cause I know I have done everything
I wanted to do, and tears on everyone
in my funeral because I have actually
touched them personally.
This is what I dream of. Just so,
it's only a dream. Maybe it'll happen
in real life-- or maybe it won't.