Gold: A Digital Scrapbook 1 | Page 23


Have you ever met someone that made you think, "I want to be just like him/her!" If so, you're probably admiring that someone for their strengths. We all have our different strengths and capabilities-- not just being physically strong, but also being creative, attractive, smart, or friendly.

In my case, though, I am a jack of all trades. I like to think that I am a little bit of smart, friendly, creative, and sporty. I never felt like I needed to focus only on one aspect, which is probably why I never mastered one. Besides, it will get boring for me if I focus on one. Sometimes, it gets me down seeing someone master in something, but at the end, I just shrug it off. I just tell myself that the whole saying goes, "Jack of all trade, master of none, but better than master of only one."