go_w03_grader_h1.docx (solution) Homework | Page 2

2 Insert a header , type ​Holder​ and then press
SPACEBAR one time . Insert a page number in the current position using the Plain Number Style .
3 Apply Align Right formatting to the header . 5.000
4 Center the title ​Skin Protection . 5.000
5 For all the text , change the line spacing to 2.0 and the 5.000 spacing after to 0 pt .
6 Apply a first line indent of 0.5 inches to the paragraph 5.000 that begins ​One way to prevent .
7 On Page 2 , in the paragraph that begins ​In the medical
5.000 field , immediately following the period at the end of the paragraph , insert the footnote ​The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using a broad