Buy here : http :// homework . plus / products . php ? product = go _ w02 _ gr ader _ a1 . docx- % 28answer % 29
Buy here : http :// homework . plus / products . php ? product = go _ w02 _ gr ader _ a1 . docx- % 28answer % 29
GO ! WCH02 A1 - Jobs Online 2.1
Project Description :
In this project , you will create an announcement for new job listings at Accelerate Jobs Online .
Instructions :
For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks :
Step Instructions Points Possible
1 Start Word . Download and open the file 0.000 namedgo _ w02 _ grader _ a1 . docx .
2 Type Accelerate Jobs Online and then press ENTER .
TypeJob Alert ! New Positions for Corporate Recruiters ! and then press ENTER . Type August 15