go_w01_grader_a1.docx (answer) Homework | Page 3

6 Change the Height of the picture to 3.4 and then change 10.000 the Layout Options to Square .
7 Using the Position command , display the Layout dialog
8.000 box and then change the Horizontal Alignment to Right relative to the Margin .
8 Apply a 10 Point Soft Edges picture effect to the image
8.000 and then in the second row of the Artistic Effects gallery , apply the third effect — Paint Brush .
9 Apply a 3 pt Page Border to the document using the
Shadow setting . Select the first style and change the Color to Blue-Gray , Text 2 — in the fourth column , the first color .
10 Below the last paragraph , draw a Text Box . Change the 8.000
Height of the text box to 1.5 and the Width to 4.5 .