Zimbabwe Update
8 GO Teams in Zimbabwe
There are now 8 GO Teams in Zimbabwe . Please pray for Harrison , Ismael , Freddy Mashazhike , Dzomonda ( pictured above ), Grateful , Andrew Gahadzikwa , Vinece and Farayi who lead the 8 GO Teams in Zimbabwe ( provision , strength , wisdom , zeal , vision ). Please pray for them as they go through a time of transition in the country . Pray for wisdom , strength , zeal and for more willing labourers .
South Africa Update 25 GO Teams in South Africa
Pastor Gabila Nubong leads one of the 25 GO Teams in South Africa ( pictured above ). There are now 25 GO Teams in South Africa . Please pray for more willing labourers . To find out more about the work of GO in South Africa go to the South African website at www . gospeloutreach . org / za goGospel Outreach International