22 Display Slide 9 . From your student files , insert the
3.000 downloaded picture file pCap1 _ Mountain . jpg . Change the picture Height to 2.5 and then apply a Turquoise , 8 pt glow , Accent color 1 glow effect .
23 On Slide 9 , use the Crop to Shape option to change the
3.000 picture shape to the tenth Basic Shape in the third row — Cloud . Align the picture to the center and middle of the slide .
24 On Slide 9 , insert a Frame shape anywhere on the slide .
Change the Height to 2.5 and the Width to 4.5 , and then typeMoving to the Top of the Winter Sports Action in the shape . Align the shape to the bottom of the slide . Select the title , picture , and frame , and then align the objects to the center of the slide . Apply the Colored Fill – Blue , Accent 2 shape style to the Frame shape .