11 Duplicate the picture . Select both pictures , and then use
5.000 the Align to Slide option to align the pictures with the left edge of the slide and to distribute the pictures vertically .
12 On Slide 4 , insert a Text Box aligned at the 1-inch mark
10.000 to left of 0 on the horizontal ruler and the 1-inch mark below 0 on the vertical ruler . In the text box , type So You Can Enjoy Your Event ( no period ). Change the Font Size to 28 .
13 Change the Shape Fill to Lavender , Accent 1 , Lighter
80 %. Change the height of the text box to 0.6 " and the width to 4.9 ".
14 Select the title and the text box , and then , using the
Align Selected Objects option , apply Align Right alignment .
15 Apply the Box transition to all of the slides in the
12.000 presentation . Insert a Header & Footer on the Notes and Handouts . Include the date and time updated