go_p01_grader_a1.pptx (answer) Homework | Page 4

Grader files , insert the picture go _ grader _ p01 _ Bridge . jpg .
11 In the text placeholder , type the following sentence
6.000 including the period : ​Take your time as you meander the over 200 miles of coastline that rings the Big Island .
12 On Slide 2 , in the Notes pane , type the following
10.000 sentence including the period : ​Black sand beaches are formed from ground lava .
13 Insert a Header & Footer on all slides . Include the Date
10.000 and time updated automatically , the Slide number , and a Footer with the text ​Big Island Presentation​ .
14 Save and close the document . Exit PowerPoint . Submit 0.000 the file as directed .