Go North Guide (Chamber Guide) 7th Edition | Page 13



New England ’ s Best Fishing

The Upper Connecticut Region of New Hampshire is considered one of the prime fly fishing grounds of the Eastern United States . The headwaters of the mighty Connecticut River rise near the Canadian border , beginning its 440- mile route to the sea . The tail-water dams disgorge the icy cold water into fast-running streams that are the perfect environment for native Brook , Rainbow and Brown Trout , as well as Landlocked Salmon on their annual springtime and fall spawning runs . Additionally , Smallmouth Bass can be found in Back Lake and Lake Wallace .
The “ Trophy Stretch ” of the Connecticut River is a must for those wanting to experience fly fishing in the North Country . 2.5 miles of pocket water , riffles , and pools provides some of northern New England ’ s best trout and salmon fishing .

Drift Fishing

Drifting the river allows fishermen to access parts of a river unreachable to those that fish from the shore or that are wading . This often results in a more exciting and larger catch . Fish caught on drifts are usually wilder , and don ’ t spook quite as easily as fish that are more pressured in ponds , lakes and highly-fished areas . Book a drift fishing trip with experienced area guides on the Connecticut or Androscoggin River .
Photo provided by Lopstick
• At Bear Tree – Pittsburg , NH
• Lopstick – Pittsburg , NH
• Quimby Country – Averill , VT
• Tall Timber Lodge – Pittsburg , NH
• Osprey Fishing Adventures – Columbia , NH
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